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Open the Black Box of People Management with "People Insights"


Jennifer Zubeck  •  Published on Oct 26, 2021  •  3 min read

Motis Grow takes the guesswork, error, and bias out of people development, giving managers the tools they need to lead and grow teams of individuals of varying skill levels. Our release of V3.0, "People Insights", takes this to the next level, giving senior management a window into the development and performance of everyone in the organization.

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The inner workings of people management (employee/manager relationships and the productive conversations that happen between them) have until now been a black box, a barrier to meaningful data collection and analysis that could spur organizational change. We built People Insights to bring clarity to this situation, a view never before available to organizations of any size.

The resulting transparency will increase accountability and organizational alignment to reduce bias and create a better work environment for all.

The inner workings of people management have until now been a black box, a barrier to meaningful data collection and analysis that could spur organizational change.

Upper management can now hone in on employee development across the organization, using People Insights to view goals, skills, check-ins and feedback for anyone in the organization.  This next level of information from Motis Grow empowers senior leadership by providing visibility into the effectiveness of their managers at every level, a window never-before available to organizations.

For a full tour of Motis Grow, and to learn more about how to Make People Management Easy, check out, or drop us a line at


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